My adventures in the wonderful world of miniature wargaming.
Shadow Captain Kayvaan Shrike 195
Assualt Squad, 5 extra marines, double lightning claws, Melta bomb 225
Assualt Squad, 5 extra marines, double lightning claws, Melta bomb 225
Assualt Squad, 5 extra marines, double lightning claws, Melta bomb 225
Scout Squad, Sniper, camo, 4 extra scouts 154
Scout Squad, Sniper, camo, 4 extra scouts 154
Scout Squad, Combat blade, combi-melta, melta bombs 155
Scout Squad, Combat blade, combi-melta, melta bombs 155
And with 12p to spare :) Hmm, that is like 14 boxes and one blister. And lots and lots of more painting. I do wonder if such an army is even viable. No reserves, just infiltrate like crazy, go heavy on the sniping and use fleet of foot to get into assault fast.
Bah. I need to play more :)
1 Space Marine Captain | Storm Bolter, Lightning Claw, Melta bombs, Hellfire | 133 |
1 Space Marine Captain | Melta bomb, Auxiliary Grenade Launcher | 120 |
10 Space Marines | Las Cannon, Flamer | 180 |
10 Space Marines- | Las Cannon, Melta Gun, Power fist | 215 |
1 Razorback | Las Cannon, Storm bolter, Hunter killer missile, Extra Armor, Dozer Blade | 115 |
1 Razorback | Las Cannon, Storm bolter, Hunter killer missile, Extra Armor, Dozer Blade | 115 |
1 Dreadnought | Multi-melta, Extra armor | 120 |
| | 998 |
998 points of Imperial Fists. The former "lone" marine combat squad now has a Razorback and a Captain. The tactics will be the same as for the 750 list. It's not meant to be a highly competitive list, but rather a fully working list that I can learn 40k with. Been toying with the idea of assault cannons for the razorbacks and heavy bolters for the tactical squads.
Now I also see that the second Space Marine squad should be 210 points, so I have 7 and not 2 points unused. Wops :) And dropping some extras I think that I could squeeze in a whirlwind. No way I can do that until next week, but the idea *is* interesting :)
And since I am in dream land, I want to add two Land Speeder Storms, a 10 man scout team (half bolters with a sergeant, half snipers) that combat up and jumps into the storms. Then an extra dreadnaught with some interesting options (probably should replace the one I have too with a kit instead). And replace a captain with Lysander for some proper Imperial Fist love. Should have some points left for maybe a pair of whirlwinds or so. Lots of models :) No phat land raiders or termies though. Or vindicators or predators for that matter. But maybe it could be a fun list. A squad of three land raiders to go with the storms could be good too. Some real fast moving end game love for sure :) Could keep them in reserve even :)
That's all folks!