Hi readers of my blog. It's yellow time again, this time with two different Assault Marines that I've given some attention. Again poor pictures but at least there are pictures :)
I based one of the guys in Tausept Ochra, then added some Sepia in select places, followed by a mix of Iyanden Darksun and then "darker" of GW's two yellows. Turned out pretty good thus far, and faster than I thought it would be. I will follow it with just yellow and then start to highlight and all that jazz.
The other boy I just washed in Gryphonne Sepia. I plan on giving him a ID/Yellow paint followed by yellow and then highlights. We'll see which one turns out the best. That's the guy that I haven't painted the bolt pistol on btw :)
Sorry for the odd order of the pictures btw, blogger has one seriously awful interface for uploading pictures. And darn it, I gotta raid the wife's camera next time it is time for pictures. Also I need to go lighter on the skull whiter primer, damn it cakes. Maybe it is too darn cold here in Minnesota... I will put another 5 assaulties together and paint them as I think that I will go with a full Assault Marine squad and kick out my dread. I will also have power weapon sergeants and have a meltagun in both squads.
Enjoy the blurry pictures and let me know how I am doing :)